Why Authorities With Integrity Are Needed Now More Than Ever

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The word integrity gets thrown around a lot, but how do you really know what it means, and more importantly, how do you know when you see it?

The definition of integrity:


1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

Why is integrity needed now more than ever?

In this day and age, it is just so easy to “fake it.” Our entire fabric of society begins to decay in a world where the image is more important and invested in than values, ethics, morals, and what you stand for.

Our children’s are full of messages of ethics and morals. Yet, the corruptibility of fame, money, and power is such a seductive force that most people in leadership positions today trade their moral code for a quick win that fuels the ego. This corruption has left our society starving for genuine and authentic leaders with integrity.

The great news is that when you are willing to stay committed to your inner truth and follow your unshakable guides of morals, ethics, and

values, this commitment will be registered by everyone who interacts with you.

Integrity is not just what you do — it’s who you are.

Integrity shows up in your words, how you handle stressful situations, and, now more than ever, how you respond when the world around you is coiling into fear.

These modern times are calling forth a new level of leadership. In many ways, it is a return to the code of ethics and morals from a different time, where your word is your honor, and your actions define your character.

In this clearing, all leaders who are not up to these standards will find their position of power is dissipating. Society is calling forth the best of the best to forward, and the leaders with the most resolute trustworthiness are the ones who will rise to the top.

is rare, as it is meant to be. This may seem dramatic or reaching, but if you look back on how cultures and civilizations have evolved, there has always been the crown of leadership guiding the way. Most of us are followers, and that turns out to be the perfect formula for human advancement.

Society has evolved with leaders guiding our way forward, and what will also never change is the definition of authentic, genuine leadership. Leaders with integrity have honesty, sincerity, and incorruptibility, which is essential for making a true and lasting impact.

Yes, displaying these qualities when embracing your followers is essential, but it is more essential to be aligned with who you are as a person at your deepest core of truth.

Why? Because when you build from this place, no one and nothing can influence you or affect the growth of your empire. You are indestructible.

When you align with integrity, not only will your impact reach further and last longer, but you will also be registering the purest and most powerful message — you walk your talk and are aligned with truth.

There is nothing more powerful to build a movement of influence from greater than aligning with the truth. Truth has a resonance that vibrates at the highest level, and everyone who interacts with an authentic leader can feel it in their presence.


Authentic leaders of integrity can influence more people, get more done faster, and make the most significant impact possible. In other words, integrity is the cornerstone that holds a movement together.

Not only does integrity go further in impact and reach, but it also brings forth the best part of humanity.

The good news is that when you have done the deepest, most accurate, and purest emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual alignment of your truth — nothing can stop you.

You will see doors fly open for you in a way you never thought possible. You will see people wanting to listen to you, learn from you, and follow you without any resistance and only gratitude. Again, the world is starving for pure, authentic leadership.

And is evolving right before our eyes. There is nowhere to hide.

Leaders have the spotlight shining on them brighter than ever before, and in many ways, that is a good thing because, in the brightest lights of exposure, only the authentic will survive.

From Beverly Hills Publishing:.

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