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Because Lakewood is fortunate to get all its water from aquifers directly beneath the city that have not been impacted as much by the statewide drought, our community has been among the last in California to have significant conservation rules imposed by the state government.
However, given the increasing severity of the drought, the state government recently mandated new rules that now require every community, including Lakewood, to reduce water use by at least 15% from the community’s 2020 usage.
To help Lakewood meet this new reduction level, the city is moving to Stage 2 of our water conservation plan effective immediately.
As you will note, Lakewood’s rules are less severe than for many water agencies in California. The new rules below affect all residents and businesses served by the Lakewood Water Resources Department, which means customers west of the San Gabriel River.
Residents and businesses east of the San Gabriel River are served by the Golden State Water Company, which is implementing its own water conservation rules and notifying its customers. For details, go to www.gswater.com/central-basin-east or call 800-999-4033.
Here are the new rules for customers of the Lakewood Water Resources Department:
Water Conservation Rules
1) Limit landscape irrigation to 3 times per week for no more than 10 minutes per station/area/zone from June to September. Note: Many water agencies in California are having to limit irrigation to 1 or 2 times a week at present.
- During the cooler months of October to May, limit landscape irrigation to 2 times per week for no more than 10 minutes per station/area/zone.
- Water-wise sprinklers with high-efficiency standards, drip irrigation systems and hand watering with a shut-off nozzle may be used 3 times per week for 20 minutes per station/area/zone from June to September, and 2 times per week for 20 minutes from October to May. Water-wise sprinklers emit water in narrow, finger-like streams at a much slower and more efficient rate (so they need more time) and with far less evaporation and waste than spray sprinklers. Get information on rebates you can use to install water-wise sprinklers at socalwatersmart.com.
2) Watering is limited to before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m.