The state of the district: Forward focused

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Nearly 200 people joined Los Alamitos Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Andrew Pulver and the Los Alamitos Education Foundation (LAEF) for the State of the District breakfast on Friday, September 23, 2022. “It was an honor and a privilege for me to connect with our families and community at this event and to share a variety of District highlights and our path as we focus forward,” stated Dr. Pulver. Guests were entertained before the presentation by students from the Los Alamitos High School jazz program and LAHS student Jamie Nguyen beautifully performed the National Anthem.

This year’s presentation began with a donation check presentation from LAEF (Los Alamitos Education Foundation) to Los Alamitos High School for $245,000. This record donation will fund the construction, furnishings, and décor for the new Well Space, which is currently under construction (completion is planned in December). Like Oak and McAuliffe Middle Schools, the Well Space will be a calm, comfortable and safe place for students to reset and seek counseling support. LAEF Board Chair Felicia Gonzalez presented the donation to Dr. Pulver, while LAEF Executive Director Carrie Logue thanked the 2022 Fundraising February for Los Al Kids supporters, who made this donation possible.

Dr. Pulver reviewed the District Priority Goals for 2022-23, which are to passionately pursue academic excellence, cultivate a thriving culture, foster collaborative relationships, provide high quality facilities, and manage and maximize financial resources.

Dr. Pulver also celebrated numerous district achievements. All nine Los Al schools have received the honors of California Distinguished School and Gold Ribbon School. 79% of graduates completed an AP (Advanced Placement), CTE (Career and Technical Education) or dual-enrollment community college course. 92% of graduates enrolled in post-secondary education.

The presentation detailed the district’s many efforts to support mental health and wellness. This includes significantly increased staffing of counselors and school psychologists, partnering with LAEF to create new Well Spaces at all six elementary schools, secondary schools partnering with Stanford’s Challenge Success, and bringing mental health and wellness curriculum into all elementary classrooms.

Dr. Pulver wrapped up the morning by giving an update on construction projects, while heartily thanking the community for their generous support of Measures K and G. Los Alamitos High School’s 83,000 square foot STEM building opened for learning in August with overwhelmingly positive feedback from students and staff alike. Design schematics were on display for a new three-court gymnasium at LAHS, with construction scheduled to begin in the summer of 2023.

The event was attended by parents, PTA groups, district staff and administration, school board members, LAEF’s board of directors and local city and elected officials. The breakfast took place at On The Greens at Navy Golf Course and all net proceeds supported LAEF. The presentation was video-recorded and will be made available on the District’s YouTube channel and the LAEF website.

“We are delighted to work with Dr. Pulver to provide the opportunity to come together and celebrate our district’s accomplishments. I am so proud of our district. LAEF is very grateful to Legacy Sponsor Alamitos Eye Care and Valedictorian Sponsors Clean Wave Express Carwash, Epson, RS Crum, Simon Law Group and Southland Credit Union for their generosity, which ensured the success of the event,” said Logue.

LAEF is the non-profit partner of Los Alamitos Unified School District. LAEF enhances educational excellence by providing after-school and summer enrichment programs to children in grades Pre-K to 12. LAEF provides significant funding for mental health/wellness and STEAM education, as well as igniting new programs and providing valuable resources, to impact all students. For additional information on LAEF, please call (562) 799-4700 Extension 80424 or visit

LAEF Board Chair Felicia Gonzalez presents the LAHS Well Space donation check to Dr. Pulver during the State of the District presentation. Courtesy photo.