Supervisor Wagner introduces three public safety-related policies to the County of Orange

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Supervisor Wagner proposed three items that would improve the safety of residents and quality of life in Orange County. All three items were passed unanimously by the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Supplemental Item 38B, Supervisor Wagner directed the Sheriff’s Department to create a program called “Safe Zone” and return to the Board as soon as possible for approval:

“We are seeing an increase in e-commerce sales and an increase in violence or theft when the parties meet up to complete the transaction. We want to bring more peace of mind for any potentially troubling in-person interactions,” said Supervisor Wagner. “Our Sheriffs have stepped up in support, and what would be a diminutive cost, I request Sheriff substations set aside a small portion of their parking lots that are illuminated under a watchful eye and with surveillance cameras. It can provide more security than otherwise in a normal circumstance.”

Supplemental Item 38E, Supervisor Wagner requested the Cemetery District to set aside 10 acres of Public Cemetery donated by the County of Orange for police and firefighters:

“I want to express appreciation to the Board for considering the item. The men and women who have served us as sworn peace officers or as sworn firefighters put their lives on the line every day. The dignified site would be the first of its kind in the nation; it would be magnificent on the hill of Gypsum Canyon, reminiscent of the Arlington National Cemetery. Tremendous support has poured out from first responders, our community, and local Veterans as well,” said Supervisor Wagner.

Supplemental Item 38F, Supervisor Wagner and Supervisor Bartlett request the County communicate opposition to the state’s process to place Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs) in Orange County; Supervisor Wagner called on the County to work with state legislators to assure County notice and participation in SVP placement decisions:

“The problem is the risk of SVPs being released into our communities without any local input. That is wrong; it is an artifact of state law, and only the state can change it,” said Supervisor Wagner. “Orange County is adding our voice to tell the state to make a legislative fix. We have a duty to protect the safety and rights of our community members. I thank Supervisor Bartlett for bringing this item forward with me.”

For more on the March 8 items, please visit: