Steel bipartisan legislation requires President to report to Congress on North Korea’s malign activity

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Rep. Michelle Steel (CA-45) introduced bipartisan legislation to require the President of the United States to provide reports on North Korea’s illegal and dangerous activity to Congress so that Congress may use the intelligence to strategically counter and deter Kim Jong Un’s regime. Rep. Steel was joined by Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Del. Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-AS-At Large) in introducing the legislation.

“These reports are vital as Congress shapes its response to North Korea’s continued aggression on the Korean Peninsula,”said Rep. Steel. “Just yesterday, Kim Jong Un held a massive military parade to display his nuclear arsenal. We must be completely clear on the danger posed by North Korea in order to properly respond with sanctions and other deterrents. This bill reaffirms our commitment to addressing North Korea’s significant threat to the national security of the United States and our allies. I urge my colleagues to join me in passing this legislation so we can send a clear message to the Kim regime and the networks in the Chinese Communist Party, Iran, and Russia that enable their growing hostility.”

“As North Korea sends arms shipments to Wagner Group forces to aid Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine and launches ballistic missiles over Japan’s sovereign territory, we must continue Congressional oversight on Kim Jong Un’s malign activity,” said Rep. Connolly. “I thank Representative Steel, who is among the first Korean American women to serve in Congress, for leading this effort to assert Congress’ role in assessing and addressing the national security threat that North Korea poses to the United States, our strong allies in South Korea and Japan, and partners in the Indo-Pacific.”

“This bill provides continuity in U.S. policy, and ensures the clarity of purpose to keep the Pacific region secure from North Korea’s regime,” said Del. Amata. “Thank you to Congresswoman Steel for her leadership so the U.S. is always ready with these up-to-date security essentials.”

The North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act and the Korean Interdiction and Modernization Sanctions Act are pivotal pieces of legislation that sharpen and strengthen U.S. sanctions against North Korea’s Kim Jong Un regime.

However, several of the reporting requirements in both bills are set to expire or already have expired. This includes reports to Congress on North Korean arms trafficking, enhanced at-sea inspections, cybersecurity, North Korea – Iran cooperation, and international financial messaging.

At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party and Russia continue to reward North Korea by blocking additional U.N. sanctions over its nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches. It is vital that Congress is fully aware of the CCP and Russia’s efforts to support North Korea’s threats to world peace.

Find the full text of the legislation here.