SJC Little League’s $60K Donation to Bring New Scoreboard to Community Sports Park

This post was originally published on this site

By Hayze Law

In a significant display of community partnership and support for local sports, the San Juan Capistrano Little League (SJCLL) is donating $60,000, through generous contributions of families from the league, to the city for the purpose of installing a brand-new scoreboard at Field 4 of the San Juan Sports Park. 

As part of its consent calendar—bulked agenda items approved in one single vote—the City Council on Sept. 19 unanimously approved the philanthropic gesture, which is intended to fund the design, purchase and installation of the scoreboard. 

Founded in 1952, SJCLL is older than the city’s incorporation, as San Juan Capistrano only joined the greater Orange County area in 1961. It’s been a stalwart provider of youth baseball programs to local children, becoming the multigenerational fixture of the community that it is today. 

“You’ve got people that have been playing in this league that were players … then coaches … then watched their kids play, and then watched their grandkids play,” said SJCLL Past-President Christian Larsen. “We have a lot of loyal members and parents.” 

To further enhance the functionality of the athletic fields at the San Juan Capistrano Sports Park, SJCLL submitted the proposal for the installation of the modern scoreboard at Field 4, or SP4, in a formal letter to the City Council. 

“Our Little League is excited to give back to our community and feel this scoreboard would be a wonderful addition to our sports park,” San Juan Capistrano Little League Board President Mandi Shearer wrote in the donation request letter. 

Detailing the cost breakdown of the seven-inning scoreboard, Shearer explained that the allocation of funds will go toward design, electrical work, trenching, foundations, columns and installation.

While the estimated cost of the design and permitting of the scoreboard is $10,000, the estimated cost of the installation, trenching, and other aspects, including taxes and shipping, is $50,000. 

In her proposal of a two-phase approach, phase one involves fully funding the design of the project for a total of $10,000, and phase two’s donation will fund purchasing and installation, based on vendor quotes per the approved drawing set. 

The proposed scoreboard manufacturer, Nevco, has a strong track record in the industry and is the same vendor that designed and installed the existing Hausdorfer Field scoreboard in June of 2022, the city noted in its agenda report.

In terms of the community benefit and accessibility, the addition of the scoreboard at SP4 will not be exclusive to the San Juan Capistrano Little League, as the field is multipurpose and will be available to all user groups, thereby benefiting a wide range of community members. 

According to Larsen, the board is working in conjunction with the city to make many new renovations to the fields and SJCLL in general—many of which will begin to take shape next spring. 

During the renovation period, community members can expect to see new grass at the Sports Park, among other updates. The endeavor, along with others to come, is meant to enhance the sporting experience for local youth and provide a valuable resource that will benefit the entire community. 

“The scoreboard is really a small piece to the whole puzzle we’ve been working on,” said Larsen.