Senator Umberg issues statement on Roe v. Wade reversal

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Senator Thomas J. Umberg, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee issued the following statement in regards to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“This morning we witnessed a travesty. For the first time in our nation’s history a constitutional right has been eliminated. And, if the concurring opinion of Justice Thomas is any indication, this may not be the last right the court strips away – he also called into question the right to contraception, the right to engage in consensual same-sex activity, and the right to same-sex marriage. I never thought I would see a world where my daughter and granddaughters would have fewer rights than my mother.

Today’s decision to overturn 50 years of precedent with Roe v. Wade is a tragedy for women across our nation. I am deeply worried for the residents of the roughly 26 states that seem likely to seek to ban abortion completely in the wake of this decision.

Thankfully, in California, the right to safe and legal abortion is protected and we are taking measures to further secure this fundamental right. Earlier this month, Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins introduced SCA-10 to enshrine the right to abortion and contraceptives in our state’s constitution. I am proud to be a co-author of this constitutional amendment and stand, as always, to protect basic human rights. We will continue to welcome those who live in states where this right has been stripped from them — with open arms and a loving embrace.”