Senator Dave Min launches reelection campaign with overwhelming local support 

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California State Senator Dave Min (SD-37) announced he will be running for re-election. Senator Min was first elected to Senate District 37, located in the heart of Orange County, in 2020 with a broad coalition of local support, ousting longtime Republican stalwart John Moorlach and becoming the first Democrat in modern history to represent this area in the State Senate. Senator Min heads into his campaign for a second term with overwhelming local grassroots support, including early endorsements from the vast majority of local Democratic elected officials in the newly redrawn SD-37, as well as State Controller Betty Yee and four Southern California Congressional Representatives. 

While Senator Min will likely be the top target for Republicans in 2024, he benefits from one of the most favorable redistricting alignments in the state, with more than three-quarters of the newly redrawn SD-37 being made up of the old SD-37 Senator Min was elected to represent. Senator Min will continue to represent the cities of Anaheim Hills, Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Orange, Tustin and Villa Park, while also picking up the cities of Aliso Viejo and Laguna Niguel to the south, and parts of Fullerton and Placentia from north Orange County. 

“I’m excited to announce my campaign for reelection to the California State Senate,” said Min. “I’m proud of the work that my staff and I have been able to accomplish over the past two years, including ending gun shows in California, being a leading voice on climate policy, standing strong for women’s rights, and delivering over $4 billion in small business reliefduring the COVID pandemic. I am humbled and honored by the outpouring of local support for my reelection, and I promise to continue fighting for the values I’ve campaigned on.”

The most senior Asian American in the State Senate and the only Korean-American in the legislature, Senator Min has proven himself an effective legislative leader, authoring 16 bills signed into law by the Governor, including leading legislation on gun violence prevention, the environment, family safety, and women’s reproductive rights. In the wake of the 2021 Huntington Beach Oil Spill, the Senator stood up to the oil industry and led efforts to end offshore drilling. He has emerged as a leading climate champion, providing strong and forceful environmental leadership from Orange County.

Before entering the State Senate, Min was a law professor at UC Irvine, where he taught and researched business law. He resides with his wife Jane, a UC Irvine law professor who specializes in domestic violence and family law, and their three children in Irvine.

This article was released by Dave Min for State Senate 2024.