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The Seal Beach Police Department is proud to announce its partnership with the newly formed Seal Beach Police League, a non-profit, charitable organization designed for the livelihood, morale, and well-being of the Seal Beach Police Department.
The mission of the Seal Beach Police League is to raise the funds necessary to support the livelihood, morale, and well-being of the City of Seal Beach’s finest police officers, professional staff, and of course, their Facility Dog Yosa and Police K9 Saurus.
The Seal Beach Police League recognizes that the Seal Beach Police Department has a desire to perform a variety of functions and may have needs that are beyond the city’s budget capabilities or requirements for job performance.
Support from the Seal Beach Police League will focus on the below three areas:
Internal Staff Development: Morale, employee wellness, and training will continue to be promoted amongst all ranks of the Police Department. Research has repeatedly shown, companies with high employee morale have higher engagement, productivity, and motivation. Funding events which encourage these core areas will make for an organization that strives for excellence which will, in turn, resonate into the community of Seal Beach.
Law Enforcement Mechanisms: Technology, Equipment, and Research. Although the police department is currently supported with these tools, there may be a time when purchases for additional items are not quickly attainable due to budget constraints. The Seal Beach Police League would like to be able to assist if this time arises to not only aid our police department, but the community which it serves.
Police Canines: Police Facility Dogs and Police K9 programs are acute law enforcement functions, which are entirely grant funded here in Seal Beach. The League recognizes the importance and value of these canines to both the department and community; therefore, promises to assist in funding them.
For more information on how the Seal Beach Police League supports the Seal Beach Police Department and community of Seal Beach, please visit www.sealbeachpoliceleague.com or contact [email protected].