Republican Party of Orange County makes rare early endorsement of Scott Baugh for 47th Congressional District

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Scott Baugh announced he has received the endorsement of the Republican Party of Orange County in his campaign for the 47th Congressional District. The endorsement is especially notable as early endorsements in an open Congressional Seat are rare for the Republican Party of Orange County.

“This was an easy endorsement for our committee to make and it was important to make the endorsement early,” said OCGOP Chairman Fred Whitaker. “We know that Scott Baugh represents the best chance for Republicans to take back the 47th Congressional District in 2024. He has the grassroots support from the community, he has proven to be a fierce campaigner and he is a true conservative. He deserves the support of Republicans running against the radical democrats that have already announced and it is important for us to send a message, Republicans are unified and ready to win.”

The 47th Congressional District will be an open seat in 2024 as incumbent Democrat Katie Porter has announced she is seeking election to the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senator Diane Feinstein.

About Scott Baugh

Scott Baugh is the former Chairman of the Orange County Republican Party and former California Assembly Republican Leader. He is an active member of the community, having founded the OC Marathon Foundation, a local charity that has helped teach 40,000 young people about exercise and nutrition. Scott has also served as Chairman of the Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership which works with law enforcement throughout the county to keep kids out of gangs. He is a trustee at Pacifica Christian High School of Orange County. Scott and his wife Wendy live in Huntington Beach. He has lived in the district for more than 30 years.

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