Pageant of the Masters announces Open Casting Call for volunteers January 6 – 8, 2023

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Excitement is already building for the 2023 Pageant of the Masters as it celebrates the 90th anniversary of living pictures in Laguna Beach. In preparation for next summer’s show, Art Colony: In the Company of Artists, the Pageant is looking for men, women and children to volunteer. People of all sizes and ages are needed to be cast members in the world’s most famous presentation of tableaux vivants. No theater experience is necessary. The only requirement is the ability to stand still and have fun.

The Pageant of the Masters Open Casting Call will be held backstage at the Pageant of the Masters on the Festival of Arts grounds at 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, CA during the following dates and times.

  • Friday, January 6 from 7 – 9pm
  • Saturday, January 7 from 7 – 9pm
  • Sunday, January 8 from 2 – 5pm

For some cast hopefuls, the audition will be their first. For others, trying out for the show is an annual tradition. Typically, about 40% of cast members have been in the show before. “It is common to see several generations of the same family volunteering for different aspects of the show,” shared Sharbie Higuchi, Festival of Arts Marketing/PR Director. “Not only is it a great way to spend your summer with friends and loved ones, but also, by volunteering for the Pageant, students can earn credit towards community service requirements.”

At the Casting Call, prospective cast members will be measured and photographed. Refreshments will be served and those in attendance will be able to meet the Pageant creative and technical staff. Pageant volunteers are also needed for behind-the-scenes roles including the wardrobe, make-up, and headdress departments, as well as, cast area coordinators and refreshment servers, among other positions. 

The 2023 Pageant of the Masters Open Casting Call is January 6 – 8 and individuals of all sizes and ages are needed. The Pageant of the Masters is celebrating its 90th anniversary next summer with the production, Art Colony: In the Company of Artists, with shows nightly from July 7 – September 1, 2023. Advance tickets are now on sale starting at $35 per person. To stay up to date on all things Pageant of the Masters and Festival of Arts, follow the Festival at @FestivalPageant and visit