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The City Council on Tuesday, January 23 will recognize the City’s top Employee, Firefighter and Deputy of 2023 as well as consider a contract for installing equipment that will benefit pedestrians citywide, among other business.
The business portion of the meeting starts at 6 pm in the City Council Chamber, 200 Civic Center.
The Council will recognize City of Mission Viejo Employee of the Year Kelly Ellis; Orange County Fire Authority Employee of the Year; Firefighter Lance Day; and Orange County Sheriff’s Department Employee of the Year Deputy Casey Briggs for their individual, outstanding efforts in 2023. In a separate presentation to members of the City’s adopted Headquarters Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Lance Corporal Nathan Heed will be feted as “Marine of the Quarter” and Sergeants Nathaniel Fayard and Renee Ried as “Noncommissioned Officers of the Quarter.”
Council Members will also consider awarding a contract for the citywide installation of audible pedestrian push buttons at Mission Viejo intersections. To increase safety for pedestrians with hearing and visual impairments, the Council approved the project at the November 14 meeting.
In other news, the Council will consider awarding a contract for new security lighting at the World Cup Soccer Fields. The move would upgrade the existing security lighting around the fields and lower parking lot that are no longer maintainable because of rust and corrosion. The replacement concrete poles and energy-saving LED fixtures will be the same style and design used in other City facilities and parks.
City Council meetings are streamed live on the City’s website and air on Cox Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99. Residents are encouraged to sign up for the City’s eNewsletter and follow the City’s official social media sites for the most accurate, up-to-date information.
Kelly Tokarski
Public Information Specialist