OC Health Care Agency receives recognition for equity initiatives

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The Orange County (OC) Equity Map, a public-private partnership between AdvanceOC, the Orange County Board of Supervisors (Board), and the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is recognized by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) with a Sustainability Award in the category of Equity.

The OC Equity Map is recognized as a trailblazing tool paving the way the County of Orange (County) fosters sustainable community planning and resource allocation. In 2020, AdvanceOC collaborated with the Board and the HCA helping to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Orange County families and communities. The OC Equity Map was launched on July 14, 2021, under the leadership of the COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee, led by Supervisors Andrew Do and Doug Chaffee.

The interactive map visualizes census tracts and displays the scores from the Social Progress Index (SPI), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Health Indicators, and population demographic data. The map can also overlay additional information that can be customized for a variety of different uses.

Board Chairman Doug Chaffee, Fourth District, congratulates the HCA and AdvanceOC for their innovative approach to solving health inequity. “I am pleased to see Orange County’s leadership and pioneering collaboration recognized by the SCAG. I am proud to support the OC Equity Map and remain committed to advancing equity in the county.”

Supervisor Andrew Do was a champion for the OC Equity Map during his term as the 2021 Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Do recognized the many challenges Orange County communities have faced over the years and saw how the data and insights provided by the OC Equity Map would enable better decision making and stewardship of County resources. “The pandemic really highlights for the County and cities the disparate levels of needs and available resource in their communities. The OC Equity Map tool provides actionable benchmarks to help reduce health and social welfare disparities to better serve our residents.”

“We are grateful to have an effective tool informing the County’s collective efforts to address equity issues in Orange County,” said Vice Chairman Donald P. Wagner, Third District. “We are encouraged by the insightful information and takeaways the tool has provided, helping us create informed solutions to serve our constituents better. I’m pleased the initiative is receiving such positive and well-deserved recognition.”

Dr. Clayton Chau, Director of the HCA, emphasized the importance of identifying inequities that were highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, “The OC Equity Map has accelerated our ability to aim resources to where they are most needed. It is a testament to the incredible potential of government and citizens working together. The HCA celebrates this successful partnership and looks forward to furthering a collaborative approach with AdvanceOC and others to address long-standing systemic health disparities through the Equity in OC initiative.”

Supervisor Katrina Foley, Second District said, “We must address healthcare and supportive service gaps in Orange County and this interactive map begins to provide a visual overview of our County to best determine the actions that help our residents. I look forward to seeing this initiative progress and appreciate the recognition by SCAG.”

”The County has learned so much from its experience during the pandemic,” said Supervisor Lisa A. Bartlett, Fifth District. “This tool, and the Equity Initiative working to interpret its content, give the county the ability to pinpoint where inequity can be addressed to improve its systems of care for all residents in the future. We are grateful for this collaboration and are proud of the recognition received.”

“We are humbled by the recognition and grateful to SCAG for supporting and highlighting our work,” said Katie Kalvoda, President of AdvanceOC. “Our mission as a nonprofit organization is to support underserved communities by fostering data-driven, equity-oriented policies. Our goal is to support and amplify community needs and work with policymakers, business and philanthropic leaders, and community-based organizations to alleviate suffering in Orange County.”

To learn more about the Equity in OC initiative, the OC Equity Map and AdvanceOC, visit www.equityinoc.com or www.AdvanceOC.com.

The article above was released by the Orange County Health Care Agency.