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New District Two Councilman Ben Wong is looking for volunteers to represent his district on city commissions. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 31. Before his election in November, he represented District Two on the Seal Beach Planning Commission . Wong said he was told his resignation from the Planning Commission would be recorded automatically.
“After the deadline, I will review each candidate application and then decide if a subsequent meeting will need to be set up,” Wong wrote in a Dec. 10 email.
In a Dec. 9 email, Wong spelled out the requirements for open positions on the following boards:
“*Planning Commission
“*Environmental Quality Control Board
“*Parks & Recreation Commission
“*Seal Beach Cable Communications Foundation,” Wong wrote.
According to Wong, board members should be:
“*18-years age or older
“*Shall hold no paid office or employment in Seal Beach city government,” Wong wrote.
According to Wong, applicants must live in District Two which includes Leisure World Mutuals 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, and half of Mutual 1 (east of St. Andrews Drive), College Park west, and the Rossmoor Center.
“If I may add, I would like to ask for a brief introduction about themselves from each candidate as well as a resume forwarded directly to Gloria Harper
Harper is the city clerk. DeCriscio is the deputy city clerk.
“These are unpaid, non-partisan, and voluntary positions, which I’m hoping for any interested and qualified candidate to apply for in order to help better serve Seal Beach,” Wong wrote.
Other College Park West news
• A group of College Park West residents have organized monthly cleanups near the neighborhood entrance, according to a Dec. 7 email from outgoing District Two Council Member Tom Moore.
The group adopted a section of the Caltrans area. According to Moore, they meet on the first Saturday of every month from 9 a.m. to noon.
“Special thanks go to Larry Kidd, Jan Arboit, and all the volunteers who generously dedicate their time. Their efforts have truly transformed the area into a welcoming and beautiful entrance for our community,” Moore wrote.
• Seal Beach staff is working on a replacement for the College Park West Entrance sign, which was destroyed by a car a few months ago. Moore wrote that staff has been working on a new design for the sign. “This project is expected to begin soon, and I encourage neighbors with ideas to share them with Ben Wong, our new District 2 Council Member as of Monday,” Moore wrote, referring to Monday, Dec. 9.
“Finally, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all District 2 residents for trusting me to represent you over these past eight years. It has been an honor and a privilege. I’m confident that Ben Wong will do an outstanding job as your next council member, and I look forward to seeing the great work he will do for our community,” Moore wrote.
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