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Just in time for Christmas, Mission Viejo, Saddleback Valley Elks Run A Ways Campers Club Wagon Master Bob Hauxhurst and club member Frank Gunning visited the South County Outreach (SCO) in Irvine and presented eighty $25 gift cards to the President and CEO of SCO La Val Brewer.
Funds for the gift cards were raised in place of a campers club holiday gift exchange and added to a generous donation from the Elks Lodge Communities Activities Committee. SCO President Brewer thanked the Elks saying the gift cards will be a much-appreciated addition to the holiday bundles for the South County’s neediest families.
L-R Elks Campers member Frank Gunning, South County Outreach President & CEO LaVal Brewer, and Run A Ways Campers Club Wagon Master Bob Hauxhurst.
Photo Credit: Mission Viejo, Saddleback Valley Elks
Submitted By:
Andy Costello
Past Grand Lodge Committeeman