Message from the CIF-SS Commissioner: Competitive Equity – Public and Private – Fall Sports 2022

This post was originally published on this site

The competitive equity playoff system that has been in place for the last few years was designed to focus on one element and one element only. The concept was to offer fair competition for all schools at the appropriate level they should compete in.

The ultimate test of whether this system works is not whether a school wins a section championship, it is the idea that a school would have a realistic chance to compete for a section championship, and that is the measuring stick we use to evaluate the effectiveness of competitive equity playoffs. As we continually see in each season of sport, two factors that illustrate this system is working are closer games, especially in the earlier rounds, and new schools having opportunities to realize playoff successes that they have never achieved before, or have not done so in a very long time.

A further aspect of competitive equity to examine is what effect the competitive equity playoff system has on public schools and private schools in pursuit of section championships. The best way to address that issue is to study the most recent data from our 2022 CIF Southern Section Fall Sports Championships. Here are the results…

11-Person Football – 14 Division Champions

  • 11 Won by Public Schools (78.58%)
  • 3 Won by Private Schools (21.42%)
  • 6 Divisional Finals contested between Public and Private Schools
  • 4 Won by Public Schools (66.67%)
  • 2 Won by Private Schools (33.33%)

8-Person Football – 2 Division Champions

  • 1 Won by Public School (50.00%)
  • 1 Won by Private School (50.00%)
  • 2 Divisional Finals contested between Public and Private Schools
  • 1 Won by Public School (50.00%)
  • 1 Won by Private School (50.00%)

Boys Water Polo – 7 Division Champions

  • 5 Won by Public Schools (71.43%)
  • 2 Won by Private Schools (28.57%)
  • 3 Divisional Finals contested between Public and Private Schools
  • 2 Won by Private Schools (66.67%)
  • 1 Won by Public School (33.33%)

Girls Volleyball – 9 Division Champions

  • 5 Won by Public Schools (55.56%)
  • 4 Won by Private Schools (44.44%)
  • 7 Divisional Finals contested between Public and Private Schools
  • 4 Won by Public Schools (57.15%)
  • 3 Won by Private Schools (42.85%)

Girls Golf – 4 Division Champions

  • 4 Won by Public Schools (100.00%)

Girls Tennis – 6 Division Champions

  • 5 Won by Public Schools (83.33%)
  • 1 Won by Private School (16.67%)
  • 3 Divisional Finals contested between Public and Private Schools
  • 2 Won by Public Schools (66.67%)
  • 1 Won by Private School (33.33%)

Boys Cross-Country – 5 Division Champions – (Enrollment-Based)

  • 3 Won by Public Schools (Divisions 1, 2 and 3) (60.00%)
  • 2 Won by Private Schools (Divisions 4 and 5) (40.00%)

Girls Cross-Country – 5 Division Champions – (Enrollment-Based)

  • 3 Won by Public Schools (Divisions 1, 2 and 3) (60.00%)
  • 2 Won by Private Schools (Divisions 4 and 5) (40.00%)

Our section membership of 560 high schools is made up of approximately 60% public schools and 40% private schools. The numbers above, in relation to section championships won this Fall, certainly reflect a fair representation of section membership, including the enrollment-based sport of Boys/Girls Cross Country.

As you know, we will continue to do all we can to refine and improve what we do with competitive equity playoffs and your continued help and support in that effort is truly appreciated.

All the best to you and your families for a joyous Holiday Season and a great 2023!