Lincoln Club endorses Scott Baugh for 47th Congressional District

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Scott Baugh announced he has received the endorsement of the Lincoln Club of Orange County, one of Orange County’s most influential endorsements for more than five decades. The endorsement is especially notable as it was unanimous.

Teresa Hernandez, the President of the Lincoln Club said, “Scott is the best candidate to win back the 47th for Republicans. Scott’s conservative values, his work ethic, and his commitment to our community are second to none. In 2022, Scott challenged Katie Porter and her $29 million war chest, waged a 10-month campaign and nearly won! With 20 months to campaign for the 2024 cycle, with the backing of the Lincoln Club, the backing of the Orange County Republican Party, and the backing of elected officials throughout the district, Scott is poised to flip this seat and to put the 47th CD back in the Republican column,” concluded Hernanadez.

Since his announcement, Scott Baugh has been solidifying significant support to be the Republican nominee in next year’s election. Scott has already announced other rare early endorsements including the Republican Party of Orange County.

“Last month the Orange County Republican Party endorsed Baugh’s candidacy, and now he has followed it with the endorsement of Orange County’s most prominent donor organization,” said Jon Fleischman, GOP political analyst and publisher of the well-regarded FlashReport Website on California politics. “While the Democratic primary in California 47 is shaping up to be a donnybrook that will propel their nominee into the general election with an empty bank account, Republicans are coalescing around Baugh, who narrowly lost last year to an extremely well-funded Representative Katie Porter, who is now running for the U.S. Senate.”

California’s 47th Congressional District is sure to be one of the most competitive elections in the nation for both parties in the 2024 election. The district will be open due to incumbent Democrat Katie Porter announcing that she is seeking election to the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senator Diane Feinstein.

About Scott Baugh

Scott Baugh is the former Chairman of the Orange County Republican Party and former California Assembly Republican Leader. He is an active member of the community, having founded the OC Marathon Foundation, a local charity that has helped teach 40,000 young people about exercise and nutrition. Scott has also served as Chairman of the Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership which works with law enforcement throughout the county to keep kids out of gangs. He is a trustee at Pacifica Christian High School of Orange County. Scott and his wife Wendy live in Huntington Beach. He has lived in the district for more than 30 years.

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