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Why are we voting for Phil Stemler for School Board?
We’re voting for someone we trust with setting sound policies that respect the entire family.
Phil’s opponent gets high marks on “popularity” for attending plenty of school events and knowing plenty of school employees. That’s great! However, that’s not the primary responsibility of a School Board Trustee.
The primary responsibility of a School Board Trustee is to set and maintain sound policies.
Last year, Phil’s opponent did not meet that responsibility. She was part of a liberal majority who voted down a change of policy that would have required school staff to notify a child’s parents if that minor child expressed a desire to change genders.
We’re voting for Phil because he knows that the people who have the biggest impact on a child’s well-being are the child’s parents. He knows that a school willing to keep secrets from parents is putting that child at risk.
Phil Stemler can be trusted to set policies that reflect his philosophy that the parent’s role in a child’s education must never be compromised by dangerous policies.
We’re not voting on a PTA President—we’re voting on policies we can trust. We can trust Phil Stemler.
Aidan and Natalie Raney / Newport Beach