Letter to the Editor: Inflation will only get worse

This post was originally published on this site

Dear Editor:

We have seen the economy shrink for two straight quarters, but Democrats are gaslighting everyone by changing the definition of a recession in the hopes of convincing struggling families that everything is just fine as prices are still at record levels.

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act will actually make our situation worse by increasing taxes on all Americans making $400K or less and creating more bureaucracy by hiring 87,000 new IRS agents who will audit hard-working families who are just trying to get by.

Jay Chen recently announced his support of this monstrous bill, and this should come to no surprise because he hasn’t found one tax he doesn’t support. Luckily, our Congresswoman Michelle Steel opposed this bill, which shows she is the one actually sticking up for taxpayers.

Ruby Lee
Fountain Valley