Letter to the Editor: A call to action

This post was originally published on this site

Beginning this month, thanks to the Cypress City Council, Cypress residents will see an approximate 32 percent INCREASE in the cost of their trash collection.

At the January 24, 2022, Cypress City Council meeting Councilmember Scott Minikus asked what residents would be willing to pay to break the Valley Vista Trash Service contract. Although asked when audience responses weren’t allowed, I think it is imperative that the community respond. Would you like to see the Cypress City Council hold a community forum or town hall meeting where they present:

  • Cost to break the Valley Vista Trash contract
  • Legalities of pursuing this action
  • Obtain resident feedback

With the Cypress city clerk having received more than 600 protest letters prior to the January 24 city council meeting, I believe that if every city resident had the opportunity to protest, Cypress would receive the required number of letters warranted for a change of action (50% of parcels plus one).

During this same meeting, Councilmember Jon Peat shared figures advocating that Cypress was getting a good trash deal. Did Councilmember Peat provide those numbers in preparation for negotiations with Valley Vista Trash Services or to plead his case for not obtaining outside bids?

After all, some residents are more upset about the approximate 32 percent rate hike while others are livid that the contract was extended until 2037. Cypress residents, if you OPPOSE the rate hike and/or the contract extension, please mail a letter to the Cypress City Clerk at 5275 Orange Ave, Cypress CA 90630. The city council must hear from the people of this great city about their opposition to the Valley Vista Trash Services contract amendment, and how we can protect our wallets by breaking the contract.

As a reminder, our neighbors in Los Alamitos have trash services provided at a much lower rate than Cypress residents.

The next Council Meeting is Monday, March 28. Let’s hope that it is enough time for Cypress to get the necessary number of letters.

Carrie Hayashida
2020 Cypress City Council Candidate