Jay Chen: LA Times highlights Rep. Michelle Steel’s extremist stance on abortion

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The LA Times highlighted Steel’s cosponsoring of the Life at Conception Act, which according to UC Davis reproductive law professor Mary Ziegler, “would be a nationwide abortion ban” without exceptions for rape or to save the life of a mother. While Steel has recently pivoted to saying she is “proud to support life” with exceptions, in an interview with National Journal earlier this month, she could not list out which exceptions she would permit without her spokesman chiming in; an unconvincing pivot for an anti-abortion extremist.

“When it comes to choosing a representative who will stand up to extreme Republicans’ push for a nationwide abortion ban, voters have a clear choice this November,” said Lt. Commander Jay Chen (res.). “Unlike Congresswoman Steel, who is desperately failing to moderate her extremist anti-abortion views, I will always proudly fight to protect a woman’s right to govern her own body.”

Steel’s Extreme Anti-Abortion Track Record:

If Republicans take the majority, Steel will join with those in her party to pass a national law making abortion illegal in all circumstances, including if the pregnancy risks the woman’s life. She even supports banning certain types of birth control.

Amidst the backdrop of a 10-year-old rape victim forced to travel from Ohio to Indiana in order to obtain an abortion, Congresswoman Michelle Steel reminded voters once again of her extremist views on abortion by voting against H.R.8297, a bill that will protect the right to seek abortions outside of a home state, and the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 that would protect a woman’s right to access abortion.

Steel was among the cohort that signed a letter asking the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.