Irvine Businesses: Take a Survey on a Single-Use Plastic Ban

This post was originally published on this site

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Single-use plastics contribute significantly to pollution, affecting terrestrial and marine ecosystems, endangering wildlife, driving greenhouse gas emissions that exacerbate climate change, and posing risks to human health.

The City of Irvine is committed to reducing the negative environmental impact of these single-use plastics through a new proposed plastic waste reduction ordinance. This ordinance includes food-ware such as takeout containers, utensils, and straws, and will be effective in 2024 for all businesses in Irvine. The City wants to help make the plastic-free transition as easy as possible for our local businesses.

The City understands that implementing this change requires thoughtful consideration of its potential impact on the business community and wants to work closely with local businesses and other key stakeholders for a smooth transition. 

Irvine businesses are invited to share their thoughts in an online survey by November 14 so the City can address any concerns, answer questions, and support the community. Feedback from the survey will be used to identify opportunities to revise ordinance language and provide more robust educational mechanisms to support the community.

Take the Survey 

California already has legislation in place against single-use plastics, such as AB 1884 (California’s Straw Upon Request law) and SB 54 (the ban on expanded polystyrene foam food containers). This new proposed ordinance will build upon these existing laws and support the City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). The goal is simple: to protect the environment, promote public health, and lead by example.

For questions, contact Project Delivery & Sustainability Manager Jenelle Shapiro at

Learn more about CAAP at Learn more about City of Irvine recycling and waste laws, tips, and information at