Investigation 103 days after promises is a CYA, not assistance Californians need

This post was originally published on this site

Senate Republican Leader Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) released the following statement after Assembly Democrats announced a committee to investigate gas prices in California:

“Democrats are feeling the heat. Californians are rightfully mad that the Democrat supermajority has done nothing but talk about alleviating the pain at the pump for more than 100 days. Republicans began calling for a pause in the gas tax increase almost a year ago and have not let up.

“If Democrats want to know why gas prices are so high, perhaps they should look in the mirror and evaluate some of the policies coming out of the Capitol that drive up the cost of gas by $1.30 per gallon.

“Remember Newsom’s investigation in 2019? How long did that take? Where did that land us? Californians need real relief, not Democrats looking for cover.”

Assembly Democrats are now calling for an investigation as to why gas prices are so high. Been there, done that. Governor Newsom made the same move in 2019, and nothing has changed, except for higher gas prices.

Senate Republicans have been calling for gas tax relief for a year, and keeping the pressure on is paying off. Consumers are fed-up, and Democrats are scrambling to compensate with a ‘Hail Mary’ pass on gas tax relief.

Some of the policies implemented in California that drive up the cost of gasoline:

  • 51.1 cents – State gas tax (add an additional 3 cents starting July 1.)
  • 25 cents – Cap and Trade (estimate)
  • 22 cents – Low Carbon Fuel Standard (estimate)
  • 2 cents – Underground Storage Fee
  • 10-15 cents – California’s switch to summer-blend costs more to produce than other types of gasoline. Source.
  • 14.4 cents – State sales tax (estimate based on 6/20 average price)

Assembly Democrats are also joining Republicans in calling for a pause in the scheduled July 1 gas tax increase. These are the same Democrats who failed earlier this year to suspend this increase when presented the opportunity. Senate Republicans proposed this idea last year, again in January, May, and last week.