International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 47 endorses Suzie Price for Mayor

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IBEW Local 47 announced their endorsement of her candidacy for Long Beach City Mayor.

The endorsement comes on the heels of Price raising $350,000 in four weeks and receiving endorsements from California State Controller Betty Yee, Former California State Attorney General Bill Lockyer, Long Beach Councilmembers Daryl Supernaw and Stacy Mungo, Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell, and Senator Tom Umberg among others.

“IBEW 47 is proud to endorse Suzie Price for the next Mayor of the great city of Long Beach,” says Dick Reed, Assistant Business Manager for IBEW Local 47. “She has been a leader in getting resources for city workers to provide the best services for city residents.”

IBEW Local 47 is the driving force of electricity in Southern California. Its membership includes nearly 15,000 professionals employed in utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads, and government.

“I’m incredibly proud to have the support of our hard-working city employees in this election,” says Price. “This particular group of employees represents the best of Long Beach. They work hard, take pride in the quality of their work, and represent the city with a strong commitment.”