Huntington Beach State Park sees 190 volunteers at beach cleanup during busy summer season

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On Saturday, August 13, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris along with OC Coastkeeper hosted a beach cleanup at the Huntington Beach State Park. The event saw a large turnout of 190 volunteers who quickly geared up and spread out across the coast to collect trash. Nearly 200 pounds of trash ranging from bags, bottles, cigarettes and other micro plastics.

“With summer in full swing and people spending a lot of time outdoors in our shared spaces, it is important to take the time to do our part in cleaning up and protecting our environment,” said Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Irvine). “We appreciate the continued partnership we have with OC Coastkeeper to keep our beaches clean and our waters trash-free.”

“Beach cleanups are truly the last line of defense in protecting our shorelines from marine debris” said Suzanne Welsh, volunteer coordinator for OC Coastkeeper. “Our partnership with Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris on a half dozen beach and river channel cleanups has allowed hundreds of volunteers to collect thousands of pounds of trash in our waterways and along the coastline.”

California beaches are heavily impacted by summer crowds, resulting in more litter on our shores. Huntington Beach is a sensitive habitat area for impacted species such as our Western snowy plover. Orange County beaches and waterways collect trash that travels from inland communities via the county’s rivers and storm drains. By getting involved with your local beach, creek, or park cleanup you can prevent debris from entering our oceans.