Help Determine the Next One Irvine Neighborhood

This post was originally published on this site

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

If your home was built in or before 1975, we want to hear from you!

Click this link to take a brief survey and help One Irvine select and launch its next neighborhood program.

The One Irvine program is preparing to select and launch its next neighborhood and it could be yours! The neighborhood chosen will be in one of Irvine’s original villages and will be selected based on survey results, the age of homes, concentration of code enforcement cases, need of improvements, and more. At the end of this year, the One Irvine program will take these findings and present the recommended neighborhood to the Irvine City Council for approval.

Scan the QR code or visit to take the short survey. Share the survey with your family, friends, and neighbors before it closes Friday, October 21!

One Irvine is a neighborhood revitalization program that connects Irvine residents with community-strengthening resources and with one another. One Irvine focuses resources in Irvine’s older neighborhoods to spark community-led reinvestment.

As part of One Irvine, eligible single-family homes in the participating neighborhood may receive:

Permit Fee Holiday (citywide)

Residential Rehabilitation Program (citywide)

Green Home Grants

Home Improvement Loans

Visit for more information.

We are a City of villages, but we are ONE IRVINE.