Guest Editorial: What does Memorial Day mean to you?

This post was originally published on this site

As a World War 2 Veteran, I wondered what MEMORIAL DAY means to other people. I asked a few dozen individuals, “What does MEMORIAL DAY mean to you?”

One person said, “I drink beer with the family while we watch TV.”

A woman stated, “It’s a day our family gets together and we eat a lot of food.”

A husky tall guy said, “A bunch of our guys play 4-6 games of soccer.”

A young lady and her lady friend said, “We go shopping.”

One person proudly stated, “It’s a good day to take notice of our military troops… especially on Memorial Day. Our family goes to the cemetery to visit my dead brother.”

I’ll agree my question was asked on the spot and I only wanted a short answer. I admit I did not use their entire quotation, and only wrote the “gist” of their answers.

Unfortunately, their responses were very similar to the answers from hundreds of millions of other people. Many people’s answers were such as, “let’s go shopping,” “go on a 3-day vacation,” “fly home,” “catch up on my sleep.” Go buy a car, furniture, or clothing,” etc. (Yes, I personally admit I have said and done some of the same activities. Those are some of the national pleasures so many millions of us fought for, and now enjoy.)

But, none of the five responders mentioned anything about any military personnel who gave up their AMERICAN lifestyle; or the jobs and careers and employment benefits they would have enjoyed; or the higher education they could have received; or the family life they might have enjoyed at birthdays, graduations weddings, anniversaries, etc. had they not died.

Many of us think what AMERICA could have been like IF all those military people who served in our nation’s armed forces hadn’t taken the time and suffered the consequences to serve.

Only one person I interviewed said anything about any military veteran who DIED for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our great country.

This is why it is so important that we the people make sure our freedom is secure, protected, and most importantly NOT FORGOTTEN AND what MEMORIAL DAY is all about.

Over the past centuries, millions of our ablest MEN AND WOMEN VETERANS DIED to preserve our national FREEDOM AND LIBERTY. So many people now, take for granted.

How many of our countrymen visit a cemetery; attend a patriotic parade or a national ceremony; or pay their respects in a religious place of worship to “Honorees of Memorial Day”?

Take a few minutes to compare how millions of people in the USA, and hundreds of countries worldwide honor all their military men and women.

In previous generations, “PATRIOTISM” had a much greater, deeper, more meaningful attitude and feeling. We were very proud to wave and salute our American Flag.

Our recitation of “The Pledge of Allegiance” gave us greater appreciation of our country, our Constitution, and our laws. Whenever any of us sing or hear “The Star Spangled Banner” pockets of tears still fill the eyes of many, many millions of our people.

From the graves of the DEAD Veterans, WE MAY hear their voices tell us, “Enjoy the LIBERTY and joyfulness of your FREEDOM.

WE Veterans appreciate you remembering us on all MEMORIAL DAYS.

WE totally appreciate YOUR REMEMBRANCE. THANK YOU.

This guest editorial was written by Bill Thomas is a Veteran of World War II, Past Commander of VFW Post 4048, and Vice commander of American Legion Post 857..