Guest Editorial: Sgt. Donald Sowma’s sacrifice resonates through generations

This post was originally published on this site

I remember waiting outside of the Cypress Police Station during the hiring process and seeing Sgt. Sowma’s memorial. It was a sobering reminder that this job can be so unpredictable and dangerous.

People like Sgt. Sowma inspire me to be a more selfless servant of my community and put the lives of others before my own, just as he did. His sacrifice left such an impact at our agency and the Cypress community, and it will never be forgotten.

My prayer is that God will bring healing and peace to the family that he has left behind and that justice will continue to be served by keeping his killer behind bars. Words cannot do justice to what an absolute honor and privilege it is to get to wear the uniform of the agency that Sgt. Sowma gave his life for 46 years ago.

This guest editorial was written by Seth Ramsey.