Garden Grove seeks community input on accessory dwelling units

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Garden Grove residents with property containing an accessory dwelling unit (ADUs) or those who are considering adding one are encouraged to take the City of Garden Grove’s online survey to share their experiences and provide their input. The survey, available in multiple languages, can be accessed now until Friday, September 16, 2022 at

Garden Grove residents who complete the survey will have a chance to win a gift card or a City gift basket.

Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are independent living units attached or detached to a single-family home. Junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs) are independent living units no more than 500 square feet contained within an existing single-family home. Requirements for both ADUs and JADUs include living, sleeping, kitchen, and sanitation areas.

The survey questions relate to: the biggest barrier to constructing an ADU on the property; what would make you more likely to construct an ADU; potential concerns about ADUs in your community, and more.
This survey is being conducted as part of a study administered by the Southern California Association of Governments, with state funding from the California Department of Housing and Community Development to make the process of building ADUs and JADUs easier for residents.

For more information, visit or contact Shawn Park, Senior Administrative Analyst, at (714) 741-5371 or [email protected].