Follow the money in the 2022 Cypress Council election: David Burke

This post was originally published on this site

The City of Cypress has posted online the campaign finance disclosure statements (“460s” and “497s”) for all the candidates running for City Council next month. Once the page displays after you click the link, you will need to scroll down to see the list of qualified candidates. Clicking on a particular candidate’s name will expand the list to display details about that candidate.

Orange County Breeze will analyze the finance information for all the candidates, beginning in this article with David Burke because he happens to top the list on the City’s website.

Simple analysis of donations

Let it first be stated that David Burke has loaned his campaign $5150.

Having said that, in both number of campaign donations and in amount of money donated, non-Cypress donors outweigh Cypress residents, especially so if a single individual Cypress donation of $4900 is set to the side.

As of October 19, the posted financial forms show a total of 24 donations for a total (if I have added correctly) of $17,150.

To be clear, this total does not include the loan mentioned above.

Five of those donations are from Cypress residents, one for $4900 as mentioned above. (That is also the largest donation received, either from within Cypress or outside.) The remainder are from $100 to $250. Total donations from within the City of Cypress amount to $5600. That single donation of $4900 represents more than 87% of all the “inside Cypress” donations.

That means 19 of the donations are from outside of Cypress, ranging in size from $100 to $2500 and totaling $11,550. Total outside contributions are slightly more than double the total of contributions from inside Cypress. Outside contributions from individuals range from $100 to $2500. Outside contributions from groups range from $200 to $1500. The groups that have donated to the Burke campaign are:

  • Sharon Quirk Silva for Assembly 2022 – two donations of $200 each
  • Build the Bench PAC – one donation of $1500
  • Planned Parenthood of Orange County and San Bernardino County PAC – $500
  • Democrats of North Orange County $300

About campaign expenses

Burke’s campaign expenses are fairly predictable: printing of campaign material, online expenses for web design and Facebook, campaign filing, election analytics, fees to be included in targeted-group mailers, booth rental at the Cypress Festival…

…the one expense that shouts out as partisan is a payment to the Democratic Party of Orange County.