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Try your hand at Fightcamp Fit for a workout that combines strength training, cardio and recovery to achieve results.
By Jessie Dax-Setkus
Two of the toughest parts of working out are finding the motivation to show up and conquering boredom when doing repetitive exercises (can anyone say dreadmill?). Luckily, there are plenty of workouts out there that allow you to switch things up every time—like Fightcamp Fit at Cho’s Academy.
This boot camp is designed to challenge the mind, body and spirit three times a week while switching up the routine between strength training, cardio (via kickboxing and circuit training) and vinyasa yoga. It is the perfect balance for those looking to change things up—not to mention it is extremely approachable and fun, too. And the next six-week session is coming up, beginning Sept. 26.
We caught up with owner Jacob Cho, who walks us through a Fightcamp Fit session and reveals why everyone should try it.
Laguna Beach Magazine: Can you explain the different disciplines and workout styles incorporated in a Fightcamp Fit workout?
Jacob Cho: Professional fighters have one of the toughest jobs on the planet. A fighter’s mind, body and spirit have to be finely tuned in order to be successful at the highest levels. So, we’ve taken that concept and put together a well-balanced program that’s challenging, engaging, fun and results-driven. … Our teachers always offer options for beginners and advanced participants.
Every Monday, you can expect a session that will set the tone for your day and week. The focus is strength training and we guarantee you will build functional strength in a challenging and safe way. This is achieved primarily through a variety of creative bodyweight exercises, but also by offering optional kettlebell routines.
Wednesdays are focused on cardio and blasting through the rest of your week. We achieve this through … kickboxing. You’ll learn proper form and function, which is an added bonus. However, the emphasis is high-volume repetitions for [a] high-calorie burn. You’ll learn how to execute technique safely, you’ll sweat and you’ll boost cardio—guaranteed.
By Friday, your body will want rest and recovery. Vinyasa [yoga] offers the perfect active rest while also allowing you the space to tune in, relax and meditate. Stretch the muscles, improve posture and alignment, and focus your mind.
What can you expect to get out of the program?
JC: You can expect results [and a] fun challenge, all in a friendly and respectful atmosphere. You can expect to meet other locals, and to be in and out in just 45 minutes. You can also expect to feel invigorated the rest of your day.
What are the fitness benefits of the class?
JC: Because we have the multifaceted approach, you can expect to build strength and muscle, improve cardio and endurance, increase flexibility and mobility, learn kickboxing technique, burn calories, experience increased levels of energy, improve focus and awareness, relieve stress and so on.
What challenges do participants face?
JC: I’d say the biggest challenge for any exercise routine is getting started and staying committed. Just start—don’t wait.
What tips would you give to first timers?
JC: Be proud to be doing something to care for yourself. Don’t overdo expectations. … Enjoy the process, keep a consistent commitment, have fun and everything else will take care of itself. The benefits will manifest if you just put the time in.
Producing Results
Ensure you are ready to give Fightcamp Fit your all with these products found in nearby stores.