This post was originally published on this site
by Rich Encinas
The Mission Viejo-Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge #2444 was proud to visit ill and disabled Veterans at the Long Beach Veterans Hospital earlier this month.
The Veterans Committee was ready to bring some cheer and Bingo to those in need. About 15 Veterans played Bingo and enjoyed some fun and laughter, too.
Unfortunately, this program was paused due to COVID policies, but the Veterans Committee is thrilled to be able to get back to doing what they do best – helping our Veterans in any way they can.
The Mission Viejo-Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge #2444 is celebrating over 50 years of service to Saddleback Valley Communities. It is one of 8 lodges in the Orange Coast District of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) whose headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois. The BPOE is a charitable organization with a 152-year history of giving. “Elks Care Elks Share”. For information regarding Elks programs or Elks membership, call 949 830-3557
Photo credit : Rich Encinas
Leading Knight Rich Ensinas & Lodge member Ruth Portola with Hospital Vets