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Cypress RACES – short for Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (and pronounced RAY-cees, not races)- will be participating in Field Day, an annual 24-hour event that is the most popular on-the-air operation for ham radio operators. Field Day, which was first held in 1933, comes each year on the fourth complete weekend in June, putting this year’s event from 11 a.m. on June 25 until the same time the following day.
The Field Day event gives RACES the opportunity to highlight many aspects of their role; they are licensed amateur radio operators trained to assist local government agencies during times of emergency and also during routine events and activities. Should regular communications be compromised during a disaster or other emergency, the RACES volunteers step up to the plate to keep information moving and lines of communication open.
Some enjoy Field Day as something of a contest (there are no prizes or certificates awarded), while others look on it as an opportunity to stretch their wings and practice their capabilities. Cypress RACES will both show off their skills and work together as a team to earn points by making contact with other stations during the event. More than 40,000 ham radio operations throughout North America are expected to participate.
To learn more about Field Day, visit www.arrl.org/field-day.
For more information about Cypress RACES and how to apply to join, visit cypressca.org/departments/police/community-relations/r-a-c-e-s.