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The items shown below are selected from the logs of the Cypress Police Department. The police blotter is not a comprehensive listing of police-related incidents in the city, and no inference of guilt is implied in showing any item in the Cypress police blotter.
November 28, 2022
Vehicle Burglary – 7:25 a.m. – 6100 block of Orange Ave. – Sometime overnight, an unknown suspect broke into the victim’s vehicle and stole miscellaneous items valued at $300. The point of entry was unable to be determined as no damage was found on the vehicle.
Grand Theft – 7:30 a.m. – 10700 block of Vessels Cir. – Sometime over the weekend, an unknown suspect(s) stole 3 water heaters from three separate homes at the construction site. The loss was valued at $6000.
Grand Theft – 2:07 p.m. – 5100 block of Katella Ave. – Sometime over the weekend, an unknown suspect stole $10K worth of electrical wires and other miscellaneous items from the construction site.
November 29, 2022
Traffic Stop – 2:10 a.m. – Cerritos/Knott – From traffic stop, a male subject was arrested for a felony warrant and possession of a controlled substance, and a second male subject was arrested for possession of paraphernalia and driving without a license. The second subject was cited and released in the field, and the first was booked at Orange County Jail (OCJ).
Grand Theft from a Vehicle – 11:03 a.m. – 10400 block of Christopher – Sometime overnight an unknown suspect entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole a camera, clothing and miscellaneous items, valued at $1000.
Vehicle Burglary – 10:30 p.m. – 4500 block of Lincoln Ave. – Sometime between Sunday and Monday, an unknown suspect entered into the victim’s locked vehicle and stole miscellaneous items, including a Taurus Armas G2C 9mm handgun valued at $250.00.
November 30, 2022
Recovered Stolen Vehicle – 6:21 a.m. – 4900 block of Ball Rd. – An officer located an unoccupied stolen vehicle which had been stolen out of Irvine. The vehicle had been parked at the location on Tuesday morning. Further follow up and video evidence to follow later. The vehicle was taken out of the Stolen Vehicle System (SVS) and released to the registered owner (RO).
Grand Theft – 10:40 a.m. – 5400 block of Katella Ave. – Two suspects walked out of the store with three 27” computer monitors, each valued at $1400. The suspects were seen getting into a gray vehicle and fleeing westbound on Katella.
Trespassing – 10:52 a.m. – 5800 block of Lincoln Ave. – After attempting to return an item, a customer was refused service and advised per trespassing. The subject refused to leave after several warnings. The subject then purposely fell forward into an officer and grabbed ahold of him. While the officer attempted to stand him back up, the subject began to struggle with officers and he had to be taken to the ground to be handcuffed. This resulted in a minor injury to the subject’s upper lip. He was transported and medically cleared at a local hospital before being cited out for resisting/obstructing an officer.
December 1, 2022
Foot Patrol – 11:09 a.m. – 5600 block of Lincoln Ave. – During a foot patrol, a male subject was arrested for possession of methamphetamine. He was cited and released in the field.
Petty Theft – 1:41 p.m. – 9200 block of Valley View St. – From a call for service, a male subject was arrested for petty theft after he stole a laptop. The property was recovered and he was cited from the station.
December 2, 2022
Traffic Stop – 2:50 a.m. – 5600 block of Lincoln Ave. – From a traffic stop, a female subject was arrested for an outstanding warrant. She was transported to OCJ.
Traffic Stop – 11:40 p.m. – Walker/Vonnie – From a traffic stop, a female subject was arrested for narcotic sales. She was transported to OCJ.
December 3, 2022
Vandalism – 11:12 a.m. – 9600 block of Juanita St. – Two male juveniles with dark clothing were seen by a witness vandalizing the park sign utilizing a yellow marker. They were not located and no surveillance.
Pedestrian Check – 9:47 p.m. – Philo/Electric – From a pedestrian check, a male subject was arrested for resisting/delaying an officer and a probation hold. He was absentee booked and transported to OCJ.
December 4, 2022
Pedestrian Check – 1:53 a.m. – 9100 block of Valley View St. – From a pedestrian check, a male subject was arrested for possession of a dirk or dagger, and resisting/delaying an officer, a second subject was arrested for resisting/delaying an officer and drunk in public, and a third subject was arrested for a parole violation and drunk in public. All three were absentee booked and transported to OCJ.
Commercial Burglary – 1:45 p.m. – 9400 block of Valley View St. – On 12-2-22 at approximately 1:45 a.m., a male subject wearing a yellow sweater, black pants, red shoes, and a surgical mask entered the store and walked into the office while the store clerk was sweeping. The suspect stole $3000.00 cash from a drawer and left the location.
Traffic Collision – 7:55 p.m. – 10100 block of St. Bernard – From a call of a traffic collision at the location, a female subject was arrested for DUI. The subject refused to provide a sample of her blood and a McNeely warrant was obtained for a blood draw. She was booked at OCJ.