Costa Mesa Receives $10 Million from Senator Dave Min For Historic Investment in City Parks and Open Space

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Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) announced today that Governor Newsom has signed the 2022-23 State Budget into law, securing the largest ever direct appropriation to the City of Costa Mesa of $10 million for historic investments in the City’s parks and open space.

“This is a great example of a State representative responding directly to the needs of his constituents,” Mayor John Stephens said. “Recently, Senator Min worked to get the Sustainability Decathlon in Costa Mesa. Now, his efforts to champion park equity in his district is a continuation of his unprecedented commitment to local support. We are very grateful for this funding and will put it to great use for the community’s benefit.”

The $10 million in State funding for the City of Costa Mesa will be used to make extensive upgrades at multiple popular parks and widely used open space venues including the Jack Hammett Sports Complex; TeWinkle Athletic Complex; Fairview Park; and Shalimar Park, an actively used park on the City’s Westside.

“I’m so grateful to my colleagues and the Governor for prioritizing the City of Costa Mesa’s needs in this year’s budget,” said Senator Min. “This $10 million investment will create new open spaces and provide significant improvements to existing parks. As we learned during the pandemic, access to the outdoors is so important for all Californians. These funds will help to improve quality of life for Costa Mesa families now and for generations to come.”

The landmark funding allows for a citywide overhaul of key projects aimed at improving access to open space and recreational amenities throughout Costa Mesa, including the expansion of Shalimar Park, where open space is scarce.

The State funding will help restore the Fairview Park bluffs and 30 acres of rapidly eroding cliffs and approximately 35 acres of upper mesa grasslands. Fairview Park is the City’s largest park and a regional jewel, hosting 195 acres of open space – natural area, and 13 acres of manicured landscape for a total of 208 acres. Within the 195 acres of open space there are two Nationally Registered Cultural Resource Historic Sites and five distinct habitat ecosystems which are home to many rare and endangered plant and animal species.

The funds will upgrade the athletic fields at both the Jack Hammett and TeWinkle sports facilities with LED lighting to increase total playable hours for physical fitness, recreational and competitive sports. Both parks are used extensively by youth and adult athletic programs and new LED lighting will improve environmental sustainability and increase the use of those facilities after hours.

Further, the funds will also be used for expansion and improvements to Shalimar Park, a heavily used neighborhood park on the Westside that will greatly benefit from the improved recreational opportunities.

For more information on Senator Min’s $31.75 million investment into projects in District 37, which includes the City of Costa Mesa, please click here.

Tony Dodero
(714) 754-5288