CMPD Veteran Joyce LaPointe promoted to newly created position of Deputy Police Chief

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The Costa Mesa Police Department (CMPD) is proud to announce the promotion of its first female police captain in the history of the department to the newly created position of deputy police chief. Deputy Chief Joyce LaPointe, a 26-year veteran of CMPD, is now second in command and will oversee both divisions of Patrol Operations and Support Services as well as the Professional Standards Bureau.

“Deputy Chief LaPointe’s well-deserved promotion is a proud moment for our police department,” said Chief Lawrence. “Deputy Police Chief LaPointe will ensure our key philosophies of customer service and professional responsiveness to our community, businesses, and City officials. I am confident that she will work hard in this new role to secure the success of this department. One of my main duties is succession planning and I am reassured that she has the qualifications and drive to take on this role.”

On March 21, 2023, Costa Mesa City Council graciously approved the creation of a new position of deputy police chief requested by Police Chief Ronald A. Lawrence, who said, “Together, we have begun to change the culture and the trajectory of CMPD on a path to a bright future. While there are many accomplishments I am proud of in this short time, one of the many is the adding of staff necessary for us to chart a new course and achieve great things.”
“I’ve had many opportunities to work directly with Deputy Chief LaPointe since I began on City Council,” said Costa Mesa Mayor John Stephens. “She is a trusted member of the City team.  I value her many years of experience and leadership with our police department.  Deputy Chief LaPointe will excel in her new position as she has in previous roles within the department.”   
City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison also supports this historic appointment.
“Deputy Chief LaPointe is an integral part of our City team and it comes as no surprise that she was promoted to second in command at the police department,” said City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison. “I am very proud of her and this accomplishment. As the first woman to hold this high office in the history of CMPD, she is an exemplary professional to us all.”
Deputy Chief LaPointe began her career in 1997 as a police officer. She held many positions, including patrol officer, FTO, defensive tactics instructor, tactical flight officer, a traffic investigator and more. LaPointe promoted to sergeant in 2007, and held various supervisory roles including patrol sergeant, jail sergeant, FTO sergeant, force tactics team supervisor, and emergency management coordinator. 
In 2015, LaPointe promoted to police lieutenant serving on our Executive Staff, and was initially assigned as an area commander providing management oversight to a variety of special units and teams, as well as performing one of our department’s most crucial and key roles of Watch Commander. 
In 2018, LaPointe served as the telecommunications manager, where she oversaw the Police and Fire Dispatch Center, Technical Services, and special projects.   
In 2020, LaPointe was promoted to police captain to serve on the department’s Command Staff, and has been the division commander for both the Support Services Division as well as the Field Operations Division. She is an associate member of the California Police Chiefs Association, and a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
LaPointe earned her Bachelors Degree in Physical Education & Kinesiology from Vanguard University in Costa Mesa. She is recognized by some in the community as a past sports coach at Costa Mesa High School before starting at CMPD. Throughout her long and distinguished career in policing, she has completed several advanced law enforcement training courses including the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute, Force Science Institute Certificate Course, the Executive Development Courses for both California POST and the California Police Chiefs Association. LaPointe is a long time resident of Costa Mesa, where she lives with her spouse Linzi and their three dogs.
“I am honored to have been promoted to Deputy Chief of the Costa Mesa Police Deparment, where I grew up from police officer to captain,” said Deputy Chief LaPointe. “I thank Chief Lawrence and the City for recognizing my value and accomplishments during my 26 years here. I also thank my CMPD team for their support and warm welcome as I continue my every day efforts to help lead this wonderful police department and serve Costa Mesa, a City I live and work in. My heart is here and I’m grateful for this opportunity to keep serving my community.”