City of Irvine Submits Comment & Objection Letter Regarding Proposed Orange County Maintenance Facility Project

This post was originally published on this site

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Last week, the City of Irvine submitted an objection letter to the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), highlighting the City’s concerns with OCTA’s proposed Orange County Maintenance Facility Project adjacent to Great Park.

Consideration of the Orange County Maintenance Facility Project, for which OCTA has filed a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application with the City, was delayed to a future meeting at the request of OCTA Board Members to allow OCTA staff to evaluate the feasibility of preparing an Environmental Impact Report.

Although this is an OCTA-led project, the City continues to proactively assess the impacts of the proposed Orange County Maintenance Facility Project on the local community, including a neighborhood meeting that was hosted by Mayor Farrah N. Khan and Vice Mayor Anthony Kuo in April 2022. At that meeting, the City solicited resident feedback regarding the proposed facility, while also sharing details regarding entitlement project review processes.

If any member of the community would like to provide feedback and share their comments regarding the proposed Orange County Maintenance Facility Project, Irvine’s representatives on the OCTA Board include Gene Hernandez, Mark Murphy and Don Wagner.

Moving ahead, in order for the project to proceed, OCTA must obtain City approval for its CUP application. The City will be closely monitoring this project in the coming months, and additional information, including a current timeline of project progress, project background details, outreach efforts, and correspondences between the City of Irvine and OCTA, is available online at