City of Cypress earns high marks in community survey

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Cypress residents enjoy a high quality of life and are overwhelmingly pleased with City services and programs, according to the latest results of a citywide community survey released today.

Residents generally shared favorable opinions of the City, with 93% rating Cypress as an excellent or good place to live, 91% believing it is an excellent or good place to raise a family, and 90% rated the quality of life in the City as excellent or good. The high level of satisfaction with the City’s performance mirrored residents’ assessments of City services, with close to nine-in-ten residents believing the City is meeting their needs.

Most tellingly, when offered the opportunity to suggest one change to improve the quality of life in Cypress, close to one-third (32%) of respondents could not think of a change they desired or stated that no changes are needed.

“The results are in, and they’re indisputable. Cypress residents love this City and the services we deliver,” said Mayor Paulo Morales. “While these results are excellent indicators of a well-managed city, there are always areas we can improve upon, and we’re going to use this survey as a roadmap for our next Strategic Plan.”

The Community Survey was conducted from April 13-May 5, 2022, by True North Research, a survey research firm with expertise in public agencies. 707 randomly selected residents participated, resulting in a margin of error of 3.7%. The Community Survey was last conducted in 2018.

A copy of the community survey is available here: