City Councilwoman Suzie Price more than double outraises mayoral opponent

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New fundraising reports show Long Beach mayoral candidate and city councilmember Suzie Price raised over $81,805 in the reporting period from June 2 to June 30, more than twice the amount of career lobbyist opponent Rex Richardson. Reports also reveal that as Election Day approaches, Richardson faces an uphill battle with $76,481 in debt, while Price has $121,595 in the bank: a six-figure advantage.

“I am grateful to each and every person who has believed in our campaign,” Price said. “Our mission of stopping local government from just making empty promises – and, instead, delivering for all residents – is resonating in every neighborhood across Long Beach. I look forward to continuing to connect with our community and to hitting the ground running on day one in the Mayor’s office to ensure everyone receives the quality service they deserve from the City of Long Beach.”