City awards sand berm contract to Post Bros. Construction Co. 

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The City Council on Monday, Sept. 9, unanimously awarded a contract for the annual sand berm project to Post Bros. Construction Co. The contract was in the amount of $413,391. The cost was covered by the current budget, according to the staff report.

This was a Consent Calendar item. Consent items are voted on collectively unless a council member pulls one for further discussion. Nothing was pulled from this week’s calendar.

The council also approved the plans for the sand berm project and authorized the city manager to execute the agreement.


Post Bros. Construction Co. offered the lowest of four bids on Aug. 20, according to the staff report prepared by Associate Engineer David Spitz. The high bid was $1.26 million from GCI Construction, according to the Spitz report.

“Historically, the residents along the beach between the Anaheim Jetties and the pier are subject to wave inundation during storms. The threat of washouts or flooding is lessened by the annual construction of a sand berm. The ‘berm’ is routinely removed each year prior to the end of April, except in cases where possible inclement weather and wave events would make it prudent to leave it in place for longer periods,” Spitz wrote.

“As part of the Annual Winter Sand Berm Study, dated September 2003, specifications for the sand berm construction and removal were identified. Accordingly, the contract work will consist of constructing a sand berm approximately 22 feet above mean lower low water (MLLW) datum, almost 40 feet wide and the length of East Beach from the pier to the Navy Base,” Spitz wrote.

“The report also recommended performing ‘back-passing’ operations every other year which consist of moving sand from West Beach to East Beach. This contract will include back-passing during the Fall of 2025 and every odd year afterwards,” Spitz wrote.

“The contract term is two (2) years and the City will have the option to extend the contract for up to four (4) additional one-year terms. Each contract term extension allows for an increase in the compensation based on the lesser of either (a) changes to the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): for Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA (1982-84=100),” Spitz wrote.

“All Items, as most recently reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the 12-month period extending backwards from the most recent June 30th to the previous July 1st, or (b) three percent (3%) per year. Any such adjustment amount would have to be approved in advance by the City Manager,” Spitz wrote.

“Funds for the Fiscal Year 2024-25 contract expenditures have been included in the Tidelands Account. Future funding needs will be reflected in the subsequent fiscal year’s proposed budgets,” Spitz wrote.
