Christmas cheer at care centers

This post was originally published on this site

St. Irenaeus Health Ministry brought an early Christmas to the residents and staff of several long-term care centers in the area that we serve during the week of December 12th. Each resident of the care centers received a decorated brown bag full of gifts that generous St. Irenaeus parishioners provided. Parishioners also gave monetary donations to fund this project. A total of 450 bags were distributed to residents in five local care facilities, including our homebound parishioners. Each bag was lovingly hand-decorated by students of St. Irenaeus Parish School and those attending Youth Faith Formation programs.
It had been about three years since we were allowed to offer Giving Tree Parties at care centers due to restrictions during the pandemic. This year we came with singers, instrumentalists, and Santa to spread the spirit of Christmas. It was great to see the smiles on the faces of care center residents and staff. Singers from the St. Irenaeus Parish Choir and the Filipino Catholic Federation Choir caroled at the centers, encouraging residents to sing traditional Christmas songs with them. Edna Ethington accompanied the singers on the ukulele at Harvest Retirement and sang. Daniel Dato-on played his guitar and sang at The Karlton Residential. The Health Ministry also gave abundant trays of cookies to the staff at each of the five care centers in appreciation for the vital work that they do all year long.
Thanks to the leadership of St. Irenaeus Health Ministry Co-Facilitators, Nurse Jennifer Dagarag and JoAnn Pyne, and the organization of volunteers by Karen Nerrie and Grace Francis, the Giving Tree Outreach Project was a success. Our goal was that care center residents and staff know they are not forgotten during the holiday season. Our volunteers brought caring and joy to everyone at the care centers we visited. If you have questions about Care Center Ministry or are interested in volunteering during the week, please contact Grace Francis, Care Center Chairperson, at 714-742-0960.

St. Irenaeus volunteers in front of Sunrise La Palma on December 13, 2022. From left to right, back row: JoAnn Pyne, Ken Francis, Rosemary Lewallen, Rolly Arenz. Front row: Grace Francis, Terry Arenz, and Nurse Jennifer Dagarag. Photo courtesy of Health Ministry Board Members.