Assemblyman Tri Ta introduces legislation to keep utility costs affordable

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Assemblyman Tri Ta announced the introduction of Assembly Bill 1710 to cap utility cost increases within the rate of inflation.

“Inflation across the spectrum has hit California families hard, but the cost of utility bills has been astronomical. Families shouldn’t have to choose between keeping the heater on during the winter or buying food and medication,” said Assemblyman Ta.

Assemblyman Ta continued, “My bill is a common sense approach to make sure that utilities play fair and keep costs affordable for California consumers. So many constituents contacted my office with gut-wrenching stories about their unaffordable energy bills earlier this year, and I’m happy to report that relief will be on the way if this bill passes.”

AB 1710 would restrict the ability of investor-owned utilities from raising rates beyond the rate of inflation without the approval of their ratepayers. The bill has been referred to the Committee on Utilities and Energy and will be heard on April 26, 2023.