Assemblyman Tri Ta introduces legislation to fight gun violence

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Assemblyman Tri Ta (AD 70) announced the introduction of AB 27, which will close a loophole that allows criminals who commit felonies armed with a firearm to served reduced sentences.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve the people of 70th Assembly District and am excited to my first bill will make our community safer,” said Assemblyman Tri Ta. “This bill is critical to public safety as it will give judges the ability to enhance firearm-related sentences, keeping violent criminals behind bars,” finished Assemblyman Ta.

Current law requires judges to drop a sentencing enhancement, under most circumstances, against a criminal convicted of using a firearm in the commission of a felony. AB 27 will provide judges with discretion and allow for firearm sentencing enhancements when it is in the interest of justice.

“My common sense bill will provide another tool for judges to use. The Legislature should not be tying the hands of judges with sentencing reductions when it comes to violent criminals,” added Ta.

Under current California law, felons caught in possession of a firearm could face less than three years in prison and serve only half of that time. AB 27 is awaiting referral to the Assembly Public Safety committee.