Anne Marie Schubert endorses Lanhee Chen for State Controller

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Lanhee Chen, candidate for State Controller, announced the endorsement of Sacramento County District Attorney and former Independent candidate for California Attorney General, Anne Marie Schubert.

“Californians have a very simple question when selecting our next State Controller: Who do you trust to keep watch over taxpayer dollars? Lanhee Chen is the only candidate for Controller who will ask tough questions of the Sacramento insiders and ensure accountability for our state’s spending. As the Statewide Chair of the District Attorneys’ EDD task force, I understand how important it is to have a watchdog in the Controller’s office who will make sure we don’t send another $20 billion to fraudsters looking to rip off California taxpayers,” said Schubert.

State Controller candidate Lanhee Chen added, “The people of our state and Sacramento County, in particular, owe a debt of gratitude to Anne Marie Schubert. She has been fearless in the pursuit of justice, defense of victims’ rights, and advocacy for the rule of law, and I am honored to have her support.”