PHOTOS: Santa Ana Prep Classic leaves lasting memories for high school players

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Players from the away team and the home team meet after Friday’s second game. (Photo: Tim Burt, OC Sports Zone).

Friday night’s third annual Santa Ana Prep Basketball Showcase at Godinez High School seemed to be well received by players and fans. Both the girls and boys games were highly competitive.

In the boys game, a late 3-pointer by Segerstrom’s Issac Camarena lifted the home team to the win. The girls game also went to the wire with the home team winning 39-36.

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Now, plans are already under way for next year’s showcase, according to Leon Raya, president of the Raya Foundation which presented the games along with Godinez High School.

“There definitely will be an event next year,” he said. “The game is a labor of love for Pearl and I. We’ve known many of these kids since they were younger, like Lucas (Andaluz) and giving them this opportunity is what it’s all about. These  great young folks come together from all over the city to showcase Santa Ana and we love it. We think it’s one of the most positive annual community events. I’m sure Issac Camarena will remember his game winning shot for a lifetime.”

Halftime shootout winner

Mid-court, halftime shootouts for gift card prizes were held at halftime of the two games and Andre Macias from Godinez won a gift card for making his shot, according to Raya.

Andaluz wants a chance

Lucas Andaluz of Godinez led the away team with 23 points and seven 3-pointers and he would like to continue playing basketball, he said after the game.

“Hopefully college, I want to major in computer science, if there are any coaches out there, I’m willing to play, I’m ready to play, I’m still working, I love playing this game with all my heart but I’m going to miss high school ball,” he said.

Rivera wraps up career

Jack Rivera made a name for himself with the Santa Ana High School program and had 29 points in the Prep Classic.

He’s hoping to continue playing in college.

“Probably community college for a year, go and develop and see if anything can develop from there, I’m going to keep my head down and keep working,” he said.

As for his time at Santa Ana:

“It was a great career. I loved it, I played with some great players and played for a lot of great coaches, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. It’s made me the player I am today. I wouldn’t be where I am without Santa Ana and I’m very, very thankful.”

One of Jack Rivera’s teammates Friday night was his brother Aaron Rivera.

“I got to play with my brother, me and him are very, very close, I’m very thankful I got to play with my brother again,” he said.

Players exchange jerseys

The boys game was competitive and came down to the wire as players, many who were on opposite sides during regular season games, battled to get a victory. But after the game, there were hugs, handshakes, smiles and some stories among the players.

Some even exchanged jerseys, which likely will end up back with the basketball programs. Parents hugged their sons and took lots of pictures.

Parents fought back tears.

“We all know each other, we all love each other, it’s a good family over here,” said Andaluz from Godinez in response to the post-game scene.

—Tim Burt, OC Sports Zone;