5 Cleverest Applications Of Business Intelligence Data

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BI or Business Intelligence- this powerful tool has time and again proved its competency in helping businesses to track information, analyze it, and present the information in a seamless format.

Brands that make use of BI to make decisions are more likely to acquire immediate consensus and decisions as compared to those that do not. This alone indicates the importance of business intelligence data in decision-making.

Today’s comprehensive article is all about outlining real-time BI applications. Tracking and analyzing data in multiple industries has become easier, and that’s what we will be talking about today. So, stay connected and read till the end.

Different Industries Making Use Of Business Intelligence

As mentioned already, BI refers to technologies that assist any organization in gathering business information and making its analysis in the most presentable format. Global Business Diary talks a lot about the use of BI data for enterprises in their articles. Before we get into the details, why don’t you take some time and read out their articles? Here are 10 common applications of BI data in enterprises:



The entire domain of banking, insurance, and financial services endure multiple challenges. From constantly changing consumer demands to increasing competition- the list never ends. BI techniques usually help a firm spot emerging patterns as well as trends, monitor how their products are performing, and mitigate unprecedented risks.

Firms and banks in the economic sectors have the ability to automate the processing and end-end loan application process. With the help of relevant business intelligence data, it becomes easier to collect consumer information from multiple sources.

Doing this prevents errors and boosts transparency in the entire process. BI applications leave no stone unturned in monitoring the performance of products and services.

Business Intelligence For Manufacturing

The use of the right business intelligent applications makes business manufacturing a seamless process and boosts operational efficiency. Moreover, they help stakeholders in achieving a complete image of their supply chain.

Such tools derive analytics that are ultimately a helper in making business forecasts more reliable. With ample data on human resource availability and workstation capacity, Business Intelligence tools assist manufacturing firms in multiple ways.

Not only does it make production scheduling easier, but it also utilizes the available resources effectively. Based on such data, the manufacturing firms can actually keep track of the product’s manufacturing cycle.


Thirdly, we have the online gambling industry that is simultaneously experiencing tremendous growth. Casino operators make the most of business intelligence data in the form of tools that help them understand which games are popular. Online casinos are functioning worldwide.

Additionally, comprehending the interests of players helps these companies in designing the most suited game. Countries have been introducing stringent rules for regulating the entire gambling industry.

BI applications help in tracking real-time data. As a result, the IT firm monitors the data and determines irregularities so the consumers can enjoy a seamless gaming experience. BI techniques aid in designing bonuses, promotions, and discounts for the existing players to attract new ones.

The Hospitality Industry

Hospitality companies deal with plenty of customers, which is why it is crucial to retain them. But do you know what makes it easier? It is the degree of personalization you offer in your business.

The hospitality industry carries businesses that mostly rely on business intelligence data to make accurate forecasts. With the help of trustworthy forecasts, hospitality industries promote a dynamic model of pricing and, ultimately, boost revenue optimization.

With the help of this data, any business can provide a higher personalization degree. In the same manner, hotel industry businesses depend on BI applications to identify which items are more in demand.

Retail & BI

Conventional retail businesses depend on static reports and spreadsheets to make decisions. However, with business intelligence gaining popularity, brands can now generate dynamic and real-time reports. They can also make informed decisions regarding dynamic pricing, inventory management, and floor plans as well.

Secondly, retail forms use BI apps for collecting and accessing data about sales, buying history, and demographics. With the help of data processing, they get to make dependable forecasts about consumer demand.

Also, businesses can implement consumer behavior data to make personalized offerings. The information is helpful in building an effective floor plan for customers.

5 Business Intelligence Data Applications In Enterprises

Next, I will take you to 10 industries that have been using BI data in the most interesting way. These real-time cases tell you that success doesn’t come easy- but the path becomes a lot more seamless with business intelligence integration. So, let’s just get started-


This tweeting industry certainly needs no introduction. Twitter was launched back in 2006 when it had restricted tweets to just 140 characters. However, in 2017, it started permitting 280 characters. Both users and analysts thought that this might backfire as 280 characters can make the post wordy.

Some also thought that the users could discard this platform as there could be a significant drop in short jokes and anecdotes. But this didn’t happen. Twitter users could not rephrase and adjust their content- without having to write an overall new one. BI apps certainly helped them here.


When it comes to the business intelligence data space, nothing beats Google. It consists of a team that has dedicated professionals within the HR department- a classic example of a BI application. Their team mainly focuses on improving productivity and processes dependent on everyday insights.

Google has implemented people data and metrics to develop a happy and productive workspace. It began with some research back in 2008, where the objective was to comprehend what makes great managers at Google.

Stitch Fix

Thirdly, Stitch Fix provides its customers with a virtual stylist who is expected to finish a questionnaire. The latter consists of 90 data points and has height, style, size, etc. Depending on the customer’s responses, Stitch Fix styles shoes, clothes, and accessories.

Initially, only limited data was accessible by the stylist. However, with constant feedback and repeated orders, BI tools help in data analysis as well as more worthwhile recommendations to the clients.


This staunch ride-hailing application launched UberEATS- its food delivery service. But have you ever wondered what made this transformation possible? This incredible industry implemented the power of business intelligence data in order to generate actionable insights and data.

Its newly launched Restaurant Manager is an ann that helps restaurant partners gain access to significant KPIs and metrics. One can easily determine net order, revenue, customer feedback, and their values.


Lastly, we all have made at least one TikTok video in our lifetime, right? This popular social media and communication platform keeps its business-data game strong based on user information.

Whenever a user reacts to the videos by pressing the heart symbol, the algorithm of TikTok readers user preferences and creates recommendations. Once the user gets to watch videos they are highly interested in, they are most likely to engage with the app.


Business intelligence data has been evolving rapidly, and its dominance is more visible today. More and more industries are now demanding dynamic reports and interactive dashboards on the basis of real-time data.

With this, here is an end to your favorite and most-demanded article. But don’t worry! We will be back soon with yet another enlightening topic. Until then, keep reading and sharing your thoughts on this.

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