Strom tracking: Saturday afternoon update

This post was originally published on this site


ANAHEIM, Calif. (afternoon Aug. 19, 2023) — We continue to track and prepare for storm Hilary. Here is your Saturday afternoon update:


What to expect: Anaheim


We still expect significant wind and rain in Anaheim on Sunday, with the strongest in the afternoon and evening.


But forecasts, as they stand now, have moderated from the most severe earlier projections.


While everyone still needs to be prepared, current projections are for peak gust winds of about 30 mph, down from 50 to 60 mph before. 


Most wind forecasts for Sunday now are in the single digits or about 20 mph.


The strongest winds are seen from noon to 7 p.m.


Wind will vary, with east Anaheim likely seeing eastern wind and west Anaheim seeing winds off the ocean.


We are still expecting rain throughout the day with the heaviest from noon to 7 p.m.


From noon to midnight, about 1.5 inches are forecast with a daily total of 2 to 2.5 inches.


The most extreme forecasts we are hearing remain to the east of us in the Coachella Valley and the eastern mountains, which are set to see 3 to 7 inches of rain and the strongest winds.


The storm, now moving along north Baja, is expected to continue veering northeast of Anaheim toward the deserts, mountains and eventually Nevada. 


We expect to wake up to rain Sunday with a chance of some rain late Saturday.


Other updates: 


* Continue to watch forecasts and updates, including here for Anaheim information.


* Our next major update is planned for early Sunday.


* Follow city of Anaheim on social media for updates and responses to community questions.

* City crews have been preparing for the storm by clearing drains and inspecting power lines and trees. 


* Crews are on duty now and will be throughout the storm to respond to issues that come up.


* We are seeing long lines at the Public Works Yard for sand and bags with limited supply. Stores are also running low on supplies.


* Anaheim fire stations have empty sandbags but may run out with high demand.


* Consider filling empty sandbags with soil and dirt from around your home and replacing it later. It is an effective, sustainable way to use sandbags.


* Cover and secure things around your home if you haven’t already.


* Put off all but essential outings for Sunday. Stay home during the heaviest rain and wind. Stay in if there’s thunderstorms.


* Throughout the storm, prepare for strong wind and rain while driving or outside.
* Watch for water build-up on streets and wind-blown debris.
* Be watchful of trees during peak rain and wind. Should you see an immediate tree concern, call police dispatch at (714) 765-1900 for routing to Public Works.