Council Approves Design Agreement for Arguello Way Beautification Project

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Widened sidewalks will be constructed on the western side of Camino Capistrano near Arguello Way, as part of a beautification project that councilmembers voted on during the meeting on Tuesday, April 18.

The San Juan Capistrano City Council unanimously approved a design agreement with Adam Streeters Civil Engineers for $140,000 for the project, as recommended by city staff. Drainage improvements, reconstruction of Americans with Disabilities-compliant ramps, and new pavers for Camino Capistrano sidewalks and Arguello Way will be included in the beautification.

“Our goal for this overall project is to provide for a more pedestrian-friendly and ADA-compliant walkway in the heart of downtown,” Public Works Director Tom Toman said.

The project will be similar to the Verdugo Street beautification, which finished in early 2020 and was also designed by Adam Streeters.

“We’re going to use the same brick pavers, similar brick pallets, and bistro lights,” Toman said.

The design process is expected to take approximately 60 days to complete, with construction anticipated to begin this summer, according to an agenda report from the city.

“(Adam Streeter) is excited to start the project,” Toman said. “Construction is projected to take approximately three months to complete. The goal here is to have the project completed before mid-November. We get busy in mid-November with our holiday season.”

“I understand our summer season is very busy too but we have a three-month window to get the project done,” Toman said. “We think we can do that.”

The Public Works Department and Adam Streeters will work with impacted businesses, Mission San Juan Capistrano, and other relevant parties during the design and construction phases.

The project’s overall cost will include a budgeted $555,000 from the recent sale of city-owned land, with an additional $250,000 proposed to be included in the upcoming 2023-24 Fiscal Year budget.

The Arguello Way work is “minor in scope” with some hardscape and landscape improvements, Toman said.

A motion by Mayor Howard Hart for the project to go before the Planning Commission and Design Review Committee for committee feedback failed in a split, 2-2, vote. Hart and Councilmember John Campbell voted yes on the motion, while Mayor Pro Tem Sergio Farias and Councilmember Troy Bourne voted no.

Councilmember John Taylor recused himself from Tuesday night’s discussion.

“I’d like to see this go through,” Farias said.

City staff did not send the Arguello Way project to other city committees beforehand because the work is similar to the Verdugo Street beautification, which had gone through committee review.