Los Alamitos to require students riding e-bikes to school to take safety class, get permits

This post was originally published on this site

There have been a number of discussions about students riding e-bikes in and around Rossmoor. Here’s an email sent out by the Assistant Principal from Oak Middle School.

By February 1, 2023, all middle school students using an e-bicycle as transportation to and from campus will be required to have a permit sticker displayed on their e-bike. If middle school students do not have the permit sticker displayed on their e-bike, they will no longer be able to park their e-bike on campus.

The permit program involves completing an e-bike safety course offered by Los Alamitos Police Department, and requires parental acknowledgement and yearly renewal. The one-hour course will be offered at no cost to families and will consist of two parts: e-bike safety education, and hands-on demonstrations. Once hte program is complete, students will receive a certificate and sticker permit to display on their e-bikes.

For more information on the class, please contact the Los Al Police Department.

Progress is being made. Share the road. Be safe.