Faith Episcopal LN – “Holiday Happening”

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Faith Episcopal Church will proudly host a Holiday Happening on Saturday, December 3 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Faith has been part of the Laguna Niguel community for over 30 years and will open their doors this holiday season to showcase its facility that is often surprising to visitors since the church is located in a business complex adjacent to the Ziggurat building. The holiday event will feature sales of gourmet holiday baked goods by a local artisan and upscale home décor just in time for holiday decorating.

In the sanctuary, both the Faith Choral and Bell Choirs will perform throughout the afternoon and there is a station for those seeking prayers and solace. All guests will have the opportunity to win one of several holiday packages and children and adults alike can make ornaments to take home. Of course, no holiday celebration would be complete without Santa. We hope you will join us! Faith Church is located at 27802 El Lazo, Laguna Niguel.

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